Saturday, March 29, 2014

the good life: consume media, respond, consume other's responses, repeat

the point is not to reduce my emotional response to media in favor of something more worthy of my emotional responses but rather to increase my emotional response to media, share that experience on social media, then consume social media about media. repeat. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Margaret's special white gloves---they got dirty, and before the show even started.

Margaret is a virgin, yet she's still dirty and in-the-world just like everyone/thing else. We might even say: whether or not she's a virgin, she's still a sinner.

Margaret never gets a chance to show off her white gloves, why? ...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

submit to information technology

the technology we use to experience media is more meaningful than the media itself. all things considered, isn't an iPhone more interesting than my tweet? media technology lends our media meaning. 

that one person knows or doesn't know something, even everything, is unimportant. knowledge only happens communally---it is stored on the internet. it exists digitally/electronically, no different than the status of knowledge in a human brain, except the knowledge on the net can actually be physically examined and located ('this content at this IP address', for instance) whereas the human brain will likely always be a mystery. 

my message to you is LESS meaningful than the infrastructure used to transmit it. that has yet to sink in anywhere. submission to the the internet's infrastructure is a philosophic touchstone. we must directly observe this eclipse of meaning. everything opposed to it is regress and retrograde because the material basis of the internet and the net's activity is the highest and newest form of life.
an email to no one might be lots of things----an email written but never sent, or maybe it was sent but never made it to its target. email to no one breaks my heart :(....
a tweet's fidelity to brevity always excuses its content. #media #philosophy @twitter