Sunday, November 16, 2014

radical feminism & the uber-frau

Nature leans on women more heavily than on men. Whether in a "state of nature" or in a competitive capitalist society, a solitary pregnant woman has a harder time racing for resources. Pregnancy and child birth also threaten women's lives, they're very dangerous. Mother Nature does not cut womankind a bonus check for being tasked with doing the physical work of reproducing humanity. At its core, feminism must at some point be the tragic adventure of seeking---per impossible---reparations from the universe itself. We might call it 'the tragic pursuit of ontological reparations'. Radical feminism must be informed by this "wrestling with an angel". Anything less is just an incrementalist Political Action Group.

Put another way: testosterone is stupid---an intelligently designed universe would not be motivated by this muti-tasking chemical with so many undesirable side-effects. Testosterone is stupid, therefore sexual reproduction is stupid . . . therefore the dialectic itself is stupid! Feminism must rescue the dialectic from this farce. Feminism's job is nothing less than to somehow save Being itself. 

It takes an Uber-Frau, or no?